Matt Druzba

Matt Druzba

Candidate for US Rep to Congress, Vermont
Veteran, U.S. Army (USARNG) 1980-1994; Executive Officer/1LT - Honorable Discharge 1994
Pledge Statement

Being true to himself, Matt is not running for congress as a Democrat, Republican, Progressive, or Libertarian, but rather a viable alternative candidate to the extremely polarized and dysfunctional two-party system. As an Independent, Matt believes in working not just "across the aisle", but with "both sides of the aisle". Matt has the wisdom, honesty, courage and the sound reasons to represent Vermonters in Washington. He has the breadth of seasoned leadership, experience, drive, and available focused time needed to effect positive change for The United States, Vermont and our future. If Vermont sends Matt to Washington D.C., he will work tirelessly for the people of Vermont and the United States of America.

Pledge Supporting Documentation